The Symposium

Preserving Our Future

It is the exception, and not the rule, for one physician’s name to be spoken across the country with the same amount of recognition and reverence. Dr. Richard C. Staab was that physician.

The OSU Internal Medicine program prepares residents who continue to be touched by his legacy; and it is our mission to change the exception into the rule. Every year, this training program graduates approximately ten internal medicine physicians who go on to carry his legacy either into practice or on to fellowship.

We, as their trainers, are committed to each one of these residents and see their potential to change the landscape of osteopathic medicine as Dr. Staab did during his time. Our commitment comes from a place that has been entrenched into our practice and we continue to put forward efforts, such as this symposium, to ensure this legacy is not lost.

Richard C. Staab, DO Internal Medicine Graduate Fund

The fund was initiated for the purpose of supporting the ongoing educational needs of the residents in the Internal Medicine Department at OSU Medical Center. It’s through funding such as this, that we are able to maintain the academic integrity of the physicians that OSU Medical Center continually places into the community. In addition, this memorial fund will also pay tribute to Dr. Staab, a prominent oncologist who had ties to Tulsa and understood the mission of training young osteopathic physicians.

To donate towards the Richard C. Staab, DO Internal Medicine Graduate Fund, please click HERE for online donations or send a check to:

Osteopathic Founders Foundation
8801 S Yale Ave Ste 400
Tulsa, OK  74137-3539
(Note on check: Staab IM Graduate Fund)

2024 Donors

J. Phil Agent, DO

Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MPH, MACOI, FIDSA

Mary Jane and Steven C. Buck, DO, FACOI

Kathy Cook, DO, FACOI

Tucker J. Harrison, DO

Jeffrey M. Hunt, DO, FACOI

Kristopher M. Lepere, DO

Anna Mazur, PhD

Timothy W. McNichol, JD

The Family of Richard C. Staab, DO
Mary Ann Staab, wife
Christine Ann Capps, daughter
Mary Lynn Temple, daughter

Kaleb T. Veit, DO

2024 Richard C. Staab, DO Legacy Award Honoree, Jay K. Johnson, DO

Richard C. Staab, DO Legacy Award

Each year a physician is recognized for his/her exemplary contribution to the osteopathic profession, particularly in the areas of education and leadership.



  • 2023 – Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MPH, MACOI, FIDSA
  • 2022 – Karen J. Nichols, DO, MA, MACOI, FACP, CS-F
  • 2021 – Damon L. Baker, DO, FACOI
  • 2019 – Kenneth E. Calabrese, DO, MACOI
  • 2018 – James S. Seebass, DO, FACOI
  • 2017 – Thomas J. Stees, DO, FACOI  (Deceased)
  • 2016 – Steven C. Buck, DO, FACOI
  • 2015 – W. W. Stoever, DO, MACOI  (Deceased)
  • 2014 – David F. Hitzeman, DO, MACOI  (Deceased)

What People are Saying

PAST SymposiumS

Just click on the following links to view pictures, attendees and speakers from past years.

** Please note that clicking on the picture links will take you to the Smug Mug website. **

2013 Symposium ~ June 21-22

2013 Pictures

2014 Symposium ~ April 4-6

2014 Pictures

2015 Symposium ~ April 10-12

2015 Pictures

2016 Symposium ~ April 1-3

2016 Pictures

2017 Symposium ~ April 7-8

2017 Pictures

2017 Brochure

2018 Symposium ~ April 6-7

2018 Pictures

2018 Brochure

2019 Symposium ~ April 5-6

2019 Pictures

2019 Brochure

2020 Symposium ~ April 3-4 (virtual)

No 2020 Pictures

2020 Brochure

2021 Symposium ~ April 9-10 (virtual)

2021 Pictures

2021 Brochure

2022 Symposium ~ April 1-2 (hybrid)

2022 Pictures

2022 Brochure

2023 Symposium ~ March 31-April 1 (hybrid)

2023 Pictures

2023 Brochure

2024 Symposium ~ April 5-6 (hybrid)

2024 Pictures

2024 Brochure